Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
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1) 2D Graphics GUI
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52) Tiny Application
53) Util
54) Velocity
55) Web Services SOA
56) XML
1) A simple demonstration of how the event handling features of the Velocity Servlet Engine are used
2) Caching Class path Resource Loader
3) Calculation Based on Model
4) Calculation In Java
5) Call class methods
6) Collection
7) Combine StringWriter with template
8) Concatenate two string variables
9) Console Log System
10) Context Chaining
11) Control
12) Custom log for Velocity
13) Data Type
14) Define and use Macro
15) Define and use variable in Velocity
16) Demo loop
17) Dollar sign
18) Event Handler
19) For each loop controled by Range function
20) How the Velocity Template Engine can be used in a standalone application
21) use an existing Log4j Category as the Velocity logging target
22) use Date in Velocity
23) If and elseif
24) If Else and End
25) If statement inside a for loop
26) Include another template file
27) Math tool
28) Output a string from Velocity
29) Parse Another page
30) Pass variable into Velocity
31) Range set
32) Range with negative index
33) Reference Class method in Mathtool
34) Reference Class Properties
35) Reference Dollar Sign in String
36) Reference variable by name
37) Render tool
38) Resource Loader Demo
39) Set variable value
40) Show basic XML handling in a template
41) String concatenation
42) String Quotation Demo
43) This is a toy demonstration of how Velocity can use an externally configured logger
44) Two Engines
45) Use a variable defined in Velocity
46) Use Dollar Sign
47) Use if in velocity
48) Use java util Properties to pass in properties
49) Use macro to wrap HTML tags
50) Use Velocity to Generate Email
51) Use Velocity to generate HTML based email
52) Use Velocity to generate HTML document
53) Velocity Comments
54) Velocity Comments Multiline
55) Velocity Date tool
56) Velocity Dollar Sign 2
57) Velocity Iterator Tool Example
58) Velocity input encoding
59) Velocity Macro With Parameters
60) Velocity Math Tool
61) Velocity Math Tool Random
62) Velocity Math Tool Round To Integer
63) Velocity MathTool
64) Velocity MathTool Divide
65) Velocity MathTool Minimum
66) Velocity MathTool Random Between
67) Velocity Number Tool Currency Locale
68) Velocity Number Tool Integer Format
69) Velocity Number Tool Percentage Format
70) Velocity NumberTool Currency Formatting
71) Velocity Output XML
72) Velocity Parse Inner Variables
73) Velocity Parse Variables
74) Velocity Standalone application
75) Velocity Variable Add
76) Velocity Variable Noise Reference
77) Velocity Variable Quite Reference
78) Velocity with External Properties
79) Velocity works With HTML